Temporary exhibition 2023: Forgotten treasures

This year’s temporary exhibition (2023) is “Forgotten Treasures”. It is located on the first floor of the building and we want to convey different stories related to Plentzia that have gone unnoticed or that we have simply forgotten. For this exhibition we have also played with a museography different from the museum’s usual one, changing the lighting with a LED lighting system and creating a space on the first floor different from the rest, taking advantage of the 16th century stone building itself.

Some of the treasures that we can find are:

The most recent is the attack on the “Sierra Aránzazu” in 1964, but we also have the shipwreck during the First World War of the “Prince of Asturias”, which we have called The Titanic of Plentzia, a story full of mystery and intrigue.

It is also a historical exhibition that invites us to reflect, especially to seek answers to some of the archaeological objects found in Plentzia. Is the origin of the name Plentzia Roman? What do the Roman coins found in the town tell us? What was Plentzia’s role in the Roman sea route?

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