
Activities and teaching materials for education

Many people know the Plentzia Museum as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Uribe Kosta, full of unique sights, activities and attractions.

But what is unknown is that the Museum also offers many unique educational programs for everyone from children and teens to graduate students and adults. We intend to have the institution disseminate the maritime heritage of the region. Since the Museum was established, school groups, scout groups, university students, young people, adults and retirees, yes, of all ages, have been trained in the “maritime” world of the Cantabrian Sea.

My first visit to the Plentzia Museum

Primary education students (8-12 years)

What is a Museum? Are all museums the same? What would you like to find in the Museum? During the visit to the museum you will learn what the Plentzia Museum is like, what they have in their collection and the importance of museums to preserve and teach local heritage. 

  • Guided tour of the museum.
  • Watch a short video about the different parts of a boat and then identify them on a model.
  • Competence in linguistic communication.
  • Cultural and artistic competence.
  • Social and citizen competence.
  • Make known and bring the Plentzia Museum closer to the little ones.
  • Bring maritime heritage closer to young people through the museum’s collection.
  • Know the history of Plentzia, its origins and compare it with the Plentzia that they know.

From Plasentia de Butrón to Plentzia

Secondary education students of all courses

This activity will consist of a guided tour where the origin of the Villa de Plentzia will be explained, from prehistory, its founding documents will be analyzed and we will advance in time through the museum’s collection to the Plentzia that we know today. It includes a socioeconomic analysis of the historical evolution of the Villa.

  • Guided tour of the museum.
  • In relation to the historical evolution of the town, an example of Urban archeology will be made with the museum building so that students relate the past with the present and their study.
  • Competence in linguistic communication.
  • Cultural and artistic competence.
  • Social and citizen competence.
  • Make local history known and how it is preserved and worked.
  • Apply a critical analysis to historical heritage.
  • Understand the importance of the conservation of cultural assets to be able to understand the past and socioeconomic changes of a town like Plentzia, which can be applied to any other town.


Portada Crucigramas Educativos Museo de Plentzia

The museum at your hand





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